RV Living full time in 2020 as a sex worker

RV living full time requires a bit of a risk
do something bold. if you want to take the path of RV living full time, do it!
A quote that inspired RV living full time: “And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” –Erica Jong.

My aunt has a little box of cards you can pull from when you need a message from the universe and the universe gave me this one. It’s a message I didn’t exactly need to hear because it seems like my motto anyway, but I stuck it on my bulletin board and pined to do something wild again. I tried to move my life in a healthy, solid path and then the pandemic came to the US and thoroughly laid waste to my plans, as it did for many of us. So I took the time to improve my business as an online sex worker and occasionally stared at this quote.

Somewhere in Canada, my boyfriend’s path had also been thoroughly razed by the pandemic and the notion of buying a RV and traveling around had taken root. He told me to start looking and almost immediately we found one that seemed perfect for us and so we did something bold and he bought the RV and came to the US.

I’m extraordinarily lucky to have a partner who’s willing to roll with me through life as Bud is. He’s much more sensible than I am… whereas I have a compulsion to just jump into the deep end and see if I survive, he tries to survey the water ahead of time before we jump. He’s not rigid enough to never do anything wild but he helps me think before I take a blind leap off a cliff.

Being able to travel on a whim, where the house packs up and moves with me, is what I want. I want to travel across North America, visiting friends, letting them show me the areas and the spots they love, meeting people and having warm nights, staying up late sharing philosophies and our stories, waking up in an unusual spot, driving out to the desert to watch a meteor shower, all of the romantic notions of being free and untethered. I know there will be challenges… shit will break in the RV, I’ll be crabby, Bud will be stressed, but I have confidence in our ability to communicate and get through it so we can cuddle up in this strange home we’ll have together.

I’m not an OnlyFans millionaire living in a luxury Class A motorhome staying at resort campgrounds. I’m a middle-of-the-road phone sex operator and content creator who’ll be traveling around in a nearly twenty year old RV using my income to get us to the next adventure, so I wanted a spot out here on the internet that was “mine” where I could post about our journey and excitement and the happiness we find out there in the world.

I’ll be updating Instagram here at wildpeachhoney so follow me!

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